BLOG — PoolBlog
Aquabot Breeze XLS Review – Is It An Effective Pool Cleaner?
If you’ve grown tired of spending your weekends scrubbing, you probably need a robot pool cleaner. But with all the models available, how do you know which can deliver proper pool maintenance? In this Aquabot Breeze XLS review, our experts will see if this popular product and its features live up to the claims and expectations. Pros It can be used for both above-ground and in-ground pools Fine filters collect debris as small as 2 microns It has power-washing jets and agitating brushes that get stubborn dirt out of cracks and crevices Filters are easily accessible and easily returned...
How to Use Baking Soda in a Pool? — Use this Inexpensive Compound to Instantly Tidy Your Pool (2021)
We all know baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) as a staple in baking needs and as an effective whitener and deodorizer. At times, you can use it as a cleaner. However, it also has a place in pool maintenance. If you use baking soda, you can improve your water quality! Let's discuss how this happens below. How To Use Baking Soda In Pool? It's easy to use a bag of baking soda in your pool. Let's see each purpose. Purpose of Baking Soda In Pool Baking soda comes in to solve both acidity and alkalinity. When you use baking soda, you...